1. New South Wales
  2. Surry Hills

Ken Reid Counselling in Surry Hills


Published: April 23 by Ken Reid

Ken Reid offers counselling that focuses on supporing men and women experiencing challenges in their relationships, overcoming difficult breakups, manage their anxiety and feel more comfortable with their sexuality as part of the Lgbtqia+ community. Ken focuses on using trauma-informed and evidence-based techniques for his clients. Kens sessions involve 1 on 1 counselling and couples counselling. Ken can offer in-person and online sessions depending on availability. Currently, there is no waitlist if you would like to book a session. - Healthcare, Mental Health services - Phone: 📞 04880029...Call - Address: 17 Randle St - Surry Hills, New South Wales
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  • Martin said:
    The service is excellent and the products are of good quality but the prices are a bit expensive

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