1. Victoria
  2. Hawthorn

Salon 35018 in Hawthorn


Published: August 10 by Lara Santi

Salon 35018 is a space where sustainability meets beautiful hair with an atmosphere that is both inviting and artistically curated. We use only top-of-the-range hair products at salon 35018 to ensure the best outcome for our clients. Our stylists have many years of experience and will be able to cater to your needs. Whether it be hair colouring to repairing damage, you will get the optimal experience at Salon 35018. - Hair Salon, Hair dressers - Phone: 📞 03839452...Call - Address: 539 Glenferrie Rd - Hawthorn, Victoria
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  • Martin said:
    The service is excellent and the products are of good quality but the prices are a bit expensive

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