1. Victoria
  2. Hawthorn

Winter Smiles in Hawthorn


Published: November 30 by Winter Smiles

2/260 Auburn Rd,

Hawthorn Vic 3122

📞 (03) 8199 99...Call


Dr. Eden Winter graduated with a Bachelor Degree of Dental Science from Melbourne University in 2004.

Dr. Eden Winter has continued his education in numerous different fields of dentistry including a residency with Eodo in Sydney and Progressive Orthodontic Seminars (pos) in Melbourne. He has recently been invited to complete the Pos advanced course.

When Dr. Eden Winter isnt working to help your dental needs he is having fun with his family. - Phone: 📞 (03) 8199 99...Call - Hawthorn, Victoria
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  • Martin said:
    The service is excellent and the products are of good quality but the prices are a bit expensive

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